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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Malaysia...the Boleh land...and...the country of 'frogs'?

Before I go further (I wonder if I would really go further here) on talking about this matter, I just want to ask you one question...Have you, with your eyes, with your own experience, ever see a frog?

Doesnt matter of the species but the important matter is that you must know what is a frog is all about particular when you are reading my post (this one, of course) right now.

If I say frog, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? The colour of it? The big eyes? The croaking sounds? Flies? Snakes? Swamps? Long and sticky tongue?

Well, how about what it is best at? I mean frogs do jump, isnt it? LoL~~

Anyway, have a check on this -> 'Amazing'.

Feel offended for I put the analogy of a frog to that news ( a fact that is very very very obvious in our country whenever it comes to politic)?

Please dont. And if you do...well, you better start to learn and understand frogs and its natural behaviors.

To be fair, I dont want to go further (see...I've 'prophesized' that I may never go at length to this post, as usual) but one thing for sure...

Malaysia is the Boleh Land...a country of to speak.

p/s: frogs hop n jump to live and for their lives. True and fair enough. So, by analogy, the other way too different 'frogs' too do the same. BUT please...please...not at the expense of the RAKYAT's trust, vote, n money!!!

p/s: the sequel: I've notice that in this country, the words 'rakyat' and 'grass roots' are among the popular words'frogs'.


Hey guys~! Have u heard or read the news about the real love 'drama' quite recently which happened, well, somewhere around this so-called melting pot of Malai-siaa i.e. kuala lumpur?

If u missed it out, please check it out here -> Click Me~!!!! Not that one. ME!

What do you think of that 'love drama'?

Was it not funny or simply a haha?

Like I said previously somewhere in my other posts, love is sweet, beautiful n exciting. Yeah~~~ Everybody definitely agree with me on this. No doubt.

BUT, like many other things in this world, this so-called human civilized n modern life, love has its dark side. Of course it is not the love itself but the 'players' of the this game; love game.

One of those examples was like what you have read just now.

Personally, I feel pity and sorry for the 23 year old man is blind and definitely blind. It needs no operation to have eyes and needless to say that love needs spectales. It is us, the 'players' of this game should be careful.

Hah~! I bet that you thought that 'playing' this 'love game' need no precaution and one need not to be careful, dont you? Well, think again.

p/s: Love is not an easy game. It may be complicated but whatever it is, dont let it destroy, ruin, or even end up your life...please.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I can feel it or perhaps them...something BIG is coming...

I know...I am a mere mortal and I am a fallible human being. I accepted this fact for I know myself better day by day...

Anyway, I just want to share with you people here today that something BIG is coming. I am not sure what is this 'something'. But please be assured that DEFINITELY, there is something or whatever it may be, is coming...

I don't know where it will be coming from or where it will strike. But for sure I can sense with my 7th sense that something (I know. I am repeating but WTH...who cares anyway) BIG (we will be so lucky if it is merely big and not large, huge or even massive) is on the way now towards us. Us? yes! Either each of us personally as a person or our community or perhaps the entire so-called modern human civilizations (which I have to say that 90% of it is full with SHIT~!).

Now calm down yourself and please refrain your boiling temper or unstable emotion at this stage. I am not trying to incite anything bad or even forecasting to you here that there will be bad omen be fallen upon us, human and our so-called rotten, so to speak, modern civilizations. Neither of these, I hope. Nor I am talking about some sort of Armageddon or even the End of the World here. Nonsense on these craps (at the moment lah...).

All I am saying is be duly prepared and that's it. We wait and see what will or perhaps, is, coming.