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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

12 Nov is the day...

Hehehe...please dont accuse me of being trying to this and that... (huh?)

Aaa...ignore that.

BTW, have u heard or seen the 2012 trailer? U haven't?

COME ON~~ Have a check of it at, well, where else if not at Go there and searching for it.

Anyway, perhaps this movie, which I definitely do not want to miss (in which if I do, I'll remain single for the rest of my life. hehehe), will at least give, not only me BUT ALSO U and the rest of U here to "prepare".

Another thing about this movie is (besides of the computer animations n effects) that one of my favourite actors is one of the main casts (whom usually will survive, :-P). Yes. I am talking about John Cusack. I dont really know about the rests but if John Cusack is in, I'll definitely be there. Hahaha. Why him? At the moment, I'll save that for another day to talk about.

So people, check on the nearest cinemas and prepare to have your mind blown away~~

Hey! I'm on top of one of the highest mountains in the world and yet I still can see the wave. Is it me or somebody else, but it seems a big wave to me...a tsunami perhaps...or the ultimate tsunami~~~ Holy Cookies~! Sweet jelly beans~! I've just crapped in my pants~!

p/s: I do not, in whatsoever manner except of sharing it here, owned the copyrights of the sole pic of the movie which I'd posted. Such is the courtesy of the true owners. I'm merely sharing it here.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wow! or Wow?

Look at the news article which I copied from The Star Online dated Oct 26 2009.

Shorter, fatter and having sex

WHAT will the woman of the future look like?

Scientists predict that she will be shorter, fatter and have babies earlier.

Yale University researchers have traced the effects of natural selection among two generations of women and predict that their descendents will be slightly shorter and chubbier.

They will also have lower cholesterol and blood pressure and have their first child earlier in life.

The results show the medical value of evolutionary biology principles, 150 years after Darwin published The Origin of the Species.

Like I said, Wow! or Wow?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What to do lah...

YES~! I'm back. Back for nothing. LoL~! Cut the craps.

I am not sure about u but have u heard or at best, READ, the news where this one particular group wanted to ban horror movies in this Boleh-land? If not, have a check of this news in the internet. Just google it or yahoo it or whatsoever. Surely you'll find it and have the "pleasant" to read it.

And how about the opinions of others? Have u encountered any and read them? have a check on them here and here.

The two examples of opinions are self-explanatory so I dont think I will talk, so to speak, here at length. For me useless. After all this kind of so-called ban is damn ridiculuos.

Like Karamjit Singh said, this so-called banning is in fact and NOTHING ELSE, is killing creativity.

For years (which I dont know for sure how long already) I have never like of watching our local movies be it action, romance, horror, you name it. I did and I do watch but I dont have the "excitement, respect, awe" which I always have whenever I am watching foreign movies.

And when I realized that there are some improvements already with our local filming industries, when there are some promising developments and changes with the local movies including those horror movies, suddenly this kind of "calling" came out from, well, some group of supposed-to-be-talented-AND-educated people asking to ban horror movies on such this and that reasons? Such reasons at this kind of time? Such reasons at this age of time?. Please...with all respect, I NEVER intend to demean anybody or any group here (including those, well, u know who and what I am referring to) BUT I cant help myself from feeling so "annoyed" with such "calling".

Correct me, and do please criticize me IF I am and was wrong, BUT was such "calling" was meant to be another "joke"?

What and why is this "calling"? For me this is merely an emotional calling. Baseless if I may use the word. Such "calling" is so damn uncalled particularly at the time and in this world where we are all live in today. As I see it, it is like somebody do not want grasses to grow on soils but maybe perhaps they want grasses to grow up the sky (which everybody knows, LITERALLY, absurd and ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE~!) .

HOWEVER, if such "calling" to ban is really appropriately made and should be lauded, then instead of banning specific genre of movies, why not banning all genre of movies? Let no MALAYSIANS (not even ONE) ever watch movies. Throw away all those televisions, shut down the internet so that nobody can watch any movie online and close all those companies which sell television sets, medias companies and local filming companies as well as the like. All we, Malaysians, should do is merely listen to radios.

Can you imagine that to happen? So absurd and illogical isnt it? Just like the "calling" to ban. Even though they specified it to one particular genre of movie, still such "calling" is SO UNCALLED for as it is, like I said, ABSURD and ILLOGICAL. Unless maybe we, Malaysians, are bunch of morons or imbeccile people.

To be honest, I am and I was saddened with this "calling". It should not have been made in the first place at all.

But what to do lah kan...nasi bukan saja sudah jadi bubur tapi sudah basi @ bangas @ nounos. Sama ada kita mau makan atau tida, masing-masinglah buat keputusan dan ambil tindakan. Masing-masing jugalah kita rasai akibatnya.

p/s: siou koto!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here it goes again...

That's right people...I'm back~!

Before I proceed on "talking craps" (for most people might think of what I have said & posted here), so to speak, I would like to ask you to do me a simple favour i.e. read this particular P.O.V. of mine with open mind and open heart (not literally of course, LoL~!).

Now, what I am going to "talk rubbish" today is that it is related to this news article, which you people can view and read by yourselves here. (Plz click, :-P ).

Finished reading the said news article? What do you think about it?

Well, personally, before I proceed further again, it is my habit, so to speak, to make you people get sick with my long sentences which then end up of being conveying short and simple points. LoL~!

Scratch that anyway!

Let's get serious here...

Alright. Let me have your attention here: you see people, the 1Malaysia concept which was introduced by our current Prime Minister is not bad at all.

Not bad, really. But I dont know for myself why it is seems hard for me to accept such nobel idea or theory (which ever one suits the best), so to speak. (Well, I kind of like to use the phrase of "so to speak").

But anyway, back to my brief arguments...if you ask me the reason, I would like to that you people should search for the answer by listening to Hoobstank - The Reason. HAHAHAH~! (Well what u know, I am starting to laugh for real here. :-D )

Anyway, for the time being I would like to reserve the answer for myself and I would like too to reserve my further arguments here until and unless I have some feed backs from you people. (YES~! I am referring to you!)

p/s: 1Msia? Kind of a "joke" to me...